Sunday 1 February 2015

Nervous wait on Sun Versus Snow....

No, i'm not talking about what the weather is going to be like tomorrow! Although there has been talk that we might get a smattering of the white stuff. Two very kind ladies, @atrueblood5 and @Michelle4Laughs, have been running this awesome little writing comp called #sunvssnow through a combination of their blogs, e-mail and a series of daily twitter parties.

In short, you submit a brief comment on whether your MC in a manuscript prefers the sun or the snow and then include a query letter and the first 250 words of the novel.

So, I made my first entry to this type of thing with one of my manuscripts, a middle-grade fantasy story. The 200 available places were filled up within about 6 minutes, resulting in some overrun and eventually 208 entries were accepted.

These were then whittled down to 15 entries to mentored by a team put together by each of the two hosts (for a total of 30 entries). The bad news is that we don't find out until Monday at 8.30 EST who the successful entrants are that get through to the next phase.

However, the ladies have been giving out some hints and, so far, there has been nothing exclude me from the final 30. So, i has been a nerve wracking weekend, guessing whether I'm in or out. I still have hope, you never know! But I will be put out of my misery tomorrow either way... watch this space!

A big thanks goes to Amy and Michelle for hosting!

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